Thursday, April 3, 2014

Busy busy busy

It's that time of the year where elementary kids are preparing for their STAAR exams and high school seniors (like me) are finishing up their last few months of school and whatnot. Wow. Where do I begin? These past two weeks in Ready, Set, Teach have been a complete blur! Let me just start with the fact that 6th grade totally wears me out! Don't get me wrong - I love my kids, but they are so energized and ready to learn with all of their questions and whatnot that I end up so drained by the time I clock out. 

GT projects are going really well! I do have some students who are struggling and need to work diligently and harder. They understand what to do and how to do it, but they are lazy (a pandemic sweeping students of all ages across America). I need to figure out how to motivate these particular students and get them excited to work on this project.. 

My first lesson for this semester will be on the 15th! I'm teaching my GT kids how to correctly write a bibliography. This is, apparently, a tough feat for these students. Which brings me to the question of, why does education in Texas suck so much? These students are learning less and less as the years go by due to all this unnecessary state testing. One thing I do know is that if I do become a teacher, I will most definitely teach at a private school. 

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