Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Organization is Key

Hello everyone! It's been a while and I know you all missed me ;D

It's summer break for me and I will soon be entering my first semester in college! I was clearing out all of my things from grade school and I stumbled upon all of my Ready, Set, Teach stuff! All the worksheets, lesson plans, and portfolios that I created were still intact. I decided it was time for some organization. I already had a portfolio made containing a couple of lesson plans, classroom ideas, my resume, and other teaching resources that I needed for the TAFE competition. I decided to put all my other lesson plans and important things inside the portfolio. Any copies and miscellaneous papers went into a file folder.

After finally organizing everything, I just realized how fit I am for being a teacher. It's hard work and it requires very specific skills such as organization and patience. These are things not everyone has. I'm so happy to be taking the road I am. It may not be the road I intended but I'm glad I'm on it. Everything seems to be falling in place just right! Now I just need the next four years to go by quicker...